Your blog doesn't currently qualify for adsense-100% Working

You have created blogger account and you want to get google adsense account to earn money by placing add on your blog. But when you go to earning navigation on your blogger  account, you are looking a word like  your blog doesn't currently qualify for adsense.

Don’t worry every problem has a solution. Let’s Solve it.
1. Login to your blogger account.
2. Go to Settings > Basic.
Look below picture and see the title and description tags.

Title: Enter your blog brand name.
Description : Enter your brand description.

3. Go to Settings > Search Preferences.
Meta Tag Description: Enter your meta tag description.
Custom robots.txt: Enter your custom robot text.
Look below picture and see meta tag description and custom robots.txt.

Custom Robots.txt

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Change your blogger address instead to your blogger address.

4. Your are done. Wait for 24 hours and check back later.

If you didn’t get result try to change your blogger theme to simple theme. Don’t use a dynamic theme.


  1. I have created a blog ensuring all the prerequisites for add sense approval but sill unfortunate. I have writing blog on Wireless Communication to educate students, freshers and experienced professionals beside other content too next page will be released soon. Kindly have a go at it and if required guide me through.

  2. I tried it and I really got adsense approval very quickly. Read This article Track Mi phones Location very easily 100% Working.

  3. Thank you... check mine here

  4. thanks usefull information.. i try it

  5. Very nice article as i'm going through same issue.
