How to Change/Customize Menu Background Color on Blogger

Changing menu background color on blogger is easy. If You have installed a blogger theme and you want to change main menu background color or add something different color, you can do it easily. Let’s see how  we can do it

Menu Image

To find the previous menu color follow the below steps:
1. Open your blogger in chrome browser.
2. Click mouse right button on menu area and from the dropdown menu select Inspect
Inspect Menu Image

3. On the inspection window find and select menu parent tag  and on right sidebar under style tab you can see the background color and change it for temporary. See the picture below

4. Click on the background color icon and change as you want.

5. Copy and save color code.

To place the code on blogger theme follow the below steps.
 1. Login to your blogger account.
2. Go to Theme > Customize
3.  Select Advanced
4. On right side area paste the color css code.

5. Click Apply to blog button


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